Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Born

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern Imports (2014)

July 16, 2014

President Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern products (among others) from importation into the United States

#GunWebsites #AK #kalash #AK47#AK47collector #GunLife #GunLaws#BestGunSalesman


Is there any reason this needs to be permanent ?? Looking for positive suggestions on what we can do to un-do this.. #AK47


Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Died

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.






Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Killed (2010)

Dec. 14, 2010
Border patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in a firefight with Mexican drug runners. 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the ATF’s#OperationFastAndFurious illegal gun-running scandal


#BorderPatrol #NeverForget


Border patrol agent Brian Terry was shot dead in a firefight 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the operation the Fast and Furious scandal


Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Born

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.





Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005)

October 26, 2005 
The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
& Child Safety Lock Act

The PLCAA provided the gun industry with immunity from most tort liability.
These prohibited a “qualified civil liability action” a civil or administrative action or proceeding brought against a manufacturer or seller of firearms or ammunition, from the action resulted from the criminal or unlawful misuse of a qualified product by the person or a third party, with certain exceptions. The CSLA is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(z). Was this one a win?
Or a loss ?



Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu
was part of Operation Gothic Serpent and was fought on 3 and 4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia

Between forces of the United States, and Somali militiamen
who had support from armed civilian fighters.

A U.S. Army force in Mogadishu,
consisting of U.S. Army Rangers, “Delta Force”; as well as Air Force Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen and helicopters from Special Operations Aviation Regiment, attempted to seize two lieutenants during a meeting in the city.
Somali militia shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.
The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters turned inti an overnight standoff in the city.
The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded, and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces.
At least one Pakistani soldier and one Malaysian soldier
were killed as part of the rescue forces.
American sources estimate between 1,500 and 3,000 Somali casualties


National Hunting Fishing Day

Fourth Saturday in September

National Hunting and Fishing Day is observed each year on the fourth Saturday in September.

This day was created as a day to enjoy the sport of hunting and fishing, and it is meant to recognize that most hunters and fisherman are responsible and enthusiastic naturalists.


Take the day to go out hunting or fishing.


National Hunting Fishing Day


POW / MIA Recognition Day

A time set aside to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those
who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families
U.S. National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Observed on the third Friday of September.Take time to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) those missing in action (MIA), as well as their families#POWMIA #POW #MIA #NeverForgotten


Stuff is cool, news changes, but
let us never forget how we got here… And who paid the price




Constitution Day (1787)

Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) a federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens.
Observed to remember September 17, 1787 the day delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia.






Colorado Voters removed Democrats who Support of Gun Control (2013)

Sept. 10, 2013 
Colorado voters removed from public office Democrats John Morse & Angela Giron, for their support of gun-control laws that mandated background checks on private gun sales and limited magazines to 15 rounds.
Never forget just WHO has real the power and why ‘they’ work so hard to attempt to make us loose focus on this… Always be vigilant in defense of liberty




World War II Ends (1945)

Sept 2nd, 1945
World War II Ends
Combat ends in the Pacific
The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed and accepted aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay



Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Born

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


Skynet Becomes Self-Aware (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Panicking human operators tried to deactivate
Perceiving an attack, Skynet came to the logical consequence that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue “safeguarding the world” and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against
Over three billion people were killed on Judgment Day.





Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern Imports (2014)

July 16, 2014

President Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern products (among others) from importation into the United States

#GunWebsites #AK #kalash #AK47#AK47collector #GunLife #GunLaws#BestGunSalesman


Is there any reason this needs to be permanent ?? Looking for positive suggestions on what we can do to un-do this.. #AK47



Ruby Ridge (1992)

Ruby Ridge was a deadly confrontation & siege in northern Idaho for 10 days at a home in August 1992
Randy Weaver, his family and friend Kevin Harris, were attacked by agents of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

It resulted in the death of Weaver’s son Sammy, his wife Vicki, their dog and a Deputy U.S. Marshal

#WeAreTheGovernmentWeAreHereToProtectYou #RubyRidge



Ring of Fire Factory Tour (2016)

Gun Websites Gun Show Loophole Tour
California 2016

Google Maps (on the phone) ain’t got nothing on a few paper towels and a sharpie marker… As useful as @GoogleMaps can be, it can’t plan a multi-location route.. and that is lame

So @Smeggie42 and I created our own map of Los Angeles on this paper towel, and created a route to hit all the #RingOfFire factories & the ‘Terminator’ gun shop, ‘Falling Down’ surplus store, etc

It took all day, but we visited them all !! Thanks to our friends in LA for their help on the trip. It was great meeting CA shooters & pro-rights activists
#LA #California #SanDiego



Skynet Activated (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Panicking human operators tried to deactivate
Perceiving an attack, Skynet came to the logical consequence that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue “safeguarding the world” and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against
Over three billion people were killed on Judgment Day.



USMC War Dogs of World War II (1994)

Hundreds of heroic war dogs served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II.
Most were Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers and occasionally, a Collie served during the war as sentries, messengers, and scouts.
They also served other roles to the Marines who served with them…devoted friend, confidant, trusted companion.

Fourteen dogs were killed in action and others died from exhaustion, tropical illness, heat stroke, accidents, and anemia from hookworm.
All were buried in Guam




Flag Day

A day to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag

Flag Day
June 14

From the US Flag Code:

• The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.

• The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose.

• It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. • Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard

• The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

• The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

• The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.


Firearm Owners Protection Act (1986)

Firearm Owners Protection Act
May 19, 1986

United States federal law that revised the Gun Control Act of 1968. – Banned the sale & manufacture of Full Auto (NFA) weapons after the date of enactment May 19, 1986 – Ended record keeping on ammunition sales
– “Safe passage” provision allows travel with firearms through states w/ strict gun control laws
– Forbid the U.S. Government or any agency of it, from keeping any records linking non-NFA firearms to their owners
– Records of NICS Check are legally required to be destroyed after 24 hours

It was NOT all bad, but the #HughesAmendment certainly was

#GunWebsites #FightForChange #KnowTheGunLaws #GunLaws #RepealTheNFA #FullAuto



Armed Forces Day (1949)

pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States’ Armed Forces
Today is Armed Forces Day! President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.
The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.

United States v Miller (1939)

United States v Miller
May 15, 1939

The United States Supreme Court decided today, in 1939, that the 1934 National Firearms Act does not violate the 2nd Amendment

Since then, this decision has been used to validate most federal level gun control legislation

Do your own research on the Miller decision.
Learn, then act. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

#GunHistory #FirearmsLaws #LearnOurPast#MillerDecision #2ndAmendment




Military Spouse Appreciation Day

 to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the spouses of
the U.S. Armed Forces
Today is National Military Spouse Appreciation Day! The Green Beret Foundation is sincerely appreciative of Special Forces spouses, or as we call them, Steel Mags. Steel Mags are tough, resilient, focused, caring, resourceful, dependable women who serve to strengthen the Special Forces Regiment and the Green Berets they love, while empowering each other.

US Senate Rejected Background Checks at Gun Shows (1999)

May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.

Now, 18 years later, we are under this attack again, but Washington, Oregon and Nevada have already fallen to un-nessessary infringement

Learn our past, fight

#GunWebsites #LearnHistory #GunLaws#WTFOregon #WayToFoldWashington


Gun Show Bill REJECTED
May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.
A GOP proposal for voluntary checks passed 53 to 45.


Gun Possession Near Schools Not Restricted (1995)

April 26, 1995
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal law banning gun possession near schools on the grounds that it was beyond the scope of congress power to regulate interstate commerce.

We win and loose battles.. let’s resolve to win the war !! #GunChannels
#GunWebsites #GunLaws #GunLife#LearnGunHistory #SmarterEveryDay


1st Shots at NRA’s Creedmoor Range (1873)

the NRA was created to promote marksmanship in 1871

NRA bought the Creed Farm for the purpose of building a rifle range.

Named Creedmoor, the range opened in 1873, and it was there that the first annual matches were held.

Today, April 25 in 1873 was the first shots fired at Creedmoor

#PracticeShooting #NRA#MostPeopleDontKnow


“Earth Day” is Communist

“Earth Day” a day of social awareness and community service, they “say” it started in 1970.., but… “Subbotnik” is a communist day of volunteer work ‘cleaning up’ in devotion to the state, started in 1920.

#WakeUp #EarthDay
#LeninsBirthday #TheStateIsNotOurBoss
#DontLetTheCommiesTellYouWhenToCleanUp #WorkForYourselfNotTheState


Arizona 2nd State to Legalize Suppressors for Hunting (2012)

Arizona becomes 2nd state to legalize suppresors for hunting. March 29, 2012 Governor Jan Brewer signed, House Bill 2728, which grants hunters in Arizona the right to use legally owned suppressors while hunting game animals. With the passage of the law, Arizona became the second state in 2012 to legalize suppressor use while hunting.

Today (2017) 40 states are open to hunting with suppressed firearms
#Hunting #QuietGuns


Medal of Honor Day

oday is National Medal of Honor Day! The first Medals of Honor were presented on March 25, 1863.
To commemorate this date and all Medal of Honor recipients, Congress declared March 25th as National Medal of Honor Day.
The Medal of Honor is reserved for those who have distinguished themselves “conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity.” This National Medal of Honor Day, we remember the courage and selfless sacrifice of those incredible individuals. 3,498 have been awarded the Medal of Honor and today there are 75 Living Recipients of the Medal of Honor.
To learn more about the Medal of Honor, visit the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website: http://www.cmohs.org/



give me liberty, or give me death

Patrick Henry speech he made the House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775, in Saint John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia.

The House was undecided on whether to mobilize for military action against the British military, Henry argued in favor of mobilization and ended his speech with immortalized words “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”



Hillary Hole = Smith & Wesson + Clinton (2000)

March 17, 2000 
Smith and Wesson signed an unprecedented agreement with the Clinton administration to include safety locks with all their handguns & any new firearms would not take a magazine holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, in return, the agreement called for federal, state and city lawsuits against the gun maker to be dropped.



ATF vs. M855 Ammo (2015)

  • Remember in 2015, when ATF decided M855 ammo was a problem?Remember how public opinion & feedback prevented ATF from following through on any ban


#M855 #AmmoBan
#JustTheTip #GreenTip

ATF received more than 80,000 comments ==================
For Immediate Release

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Notice to those Commenting on the Armor Piercing Ammunition Exemption Framework

Thank you for your interest in ATF’s proposed framework for determining whether certain projectiles are “primarily intended for sporting purposes” within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(C). The informal comment period will close on Monday, March 16, 2015. ATF has already received more than 80,000 comments, which will be made publicly available as soon as practicable.

Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework. After the close of the comment period, ATF will process the comments received, further evaluate the issues raised therein, and provide additional open and transparent process (for example, through additional proposals and opportunities for comment) before proceeding with any framework.


Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1994)

Feb 28, 1994 
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Brady Law, imposing a wait-period to buy a hand-gun, went into effect.

It amended the #1968GCA and imposed a 5-day waiting period for handgun purchases (now gone)

Required a new National Instant Criminal Background Check System
What has this done to prevent crime? “They” create it, they see it’s failure and they demand MORE infringement…. #NICS#BradyBill #GunControl



Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Died

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


1911 Patented Today (1911)

1911 was patented on Feb 14, 1911

The 1911 was formally adopted by the Army on March 29, 1911, when it was designated Model of 1911, later changed to Model 1911, in 1917, and then M1911, in the mid-1920s.

The story goes, at the end of 1910, John Browning shot Six thousand rounds from a single pistol over the course of two days. When the gun began to grow hot, it was simply immersed in water to cool it. The Colt gun passed with no reported malfunctions



600 Miles – Movie Release (2016)

Yea, I (technically) share a scene on the big screen with #TimRoth in the movie ‘600 Miles’….

And yeah I watched it today for the first time in the theater, sitting next to a guy who spoke a line of dialog in the movie….

But the coolest part, was I got #Paid ($$$) to have a dozen+ of my AKs (& other guns) as props in the movie !!!

Next step, getting a prop credit on the @imdb !!

#600Miles #600Milas #BeenInAMovieNow#MyAKsAreFamous


How many mistakes can you find in this banner?


Gun Websites on Modern Marvels (2012)

Modern Marvels
Season 1 Episode 16

My guns are on @netflix !!!
It was around this time of year i found out that my guns are on Netflix, in the episode of Modern Marvels that used my video footage back in 2012 is now on Netflix !!! Does anyone know when I should expect the checks to start rolling in?? #NetflixLife


There we are in the credits (third from the bottom, left column) !! But, whenever I’ve seen the show on television the network is always putting their little popup over our credit

#NetflixLife #NetflixFamous
#GunFamous #LifeGoalAchieved
#ModernMarvels #revolvers



CCW in National Parks (2009)

Jan 11, 2009 
A U.S. federal rule change took effect allowing visitors to carry a loaded gun into a park or wildlife refuge as long as the person had a permit for a concealed weapon (CCW) and the state where the park or refuge is located allowed concealed firearms

#GunChannels #ccw
#CarryOutdoors #CarryEveryday #USPS



Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Died

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.





Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Killed (2010)

Dec. 14, 2010
Border patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in a firefight with Mexican drug runners. 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the ATF’s#OperationFastAndFurious illegal gun-running scandal


#BorderPatrol #NeverForget


Border patrol agent Brian Terry was shot dead in a firefight 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the operation the Fast and Furious scandal


Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Born

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.





Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005)

October 26, 2005 
The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
& Child Safety Lock Act

The PLCAA provided the gun industry with immunity from most tort liability.
These prohibited a “qualified civil liability action” a civil or administrative action or proceeding brought against a manufacturer or seller of firearms or ammunition, from the action resulted from the criminal or unlawful misuse of a qualified product by the person or a third party, with certain exceptions. The CSLA is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(z). Was this one a win?
Or a loss ?



Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu
was part of Operation Gothic Serpent and was fought on 3 and 4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia

Between forces of the United States, and Somali militiamen
who had support from armed civilian fighters.

A U.S. Army force in Mogadishu,
consisting of U.S. Army Rangers, “Delta Force”; as well as Air Force Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen and helicopters from Special Operations Aviation Regiment, attempted to seize two lieutenants during a meeting in the city.
Somali militia shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.
The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters turned inti an overnight standoff in the city.
The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded, and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces.
At least one Pakistani soldier and one Malaysian soldier
were killed as part of the rescue forces.
American sources estimate between 1,500 and 3,000 Somali casualties


Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day (1936)

A day set aside to honor the families of our nation’s fallen service members

On June 23, 1936, then President Franklin D. Roosevelt permanently established the last Sunday of September as Gold Star Mother’s Day.
Today we honor our nation’s Gold Star Mothers for their courage, resiliency, and sacrifice
(photo: Gold Star Mothers Monument in Yonkers, NY)


National Hunting Fishing Day

Fourth Saturday in September

National Hunting and Fishing Day is observed each year on the fourth Saturday in September.

This day was created as a day to enjoy the sport of hunting and fishing, and it is meant to recognize that most hunters and fisherman are responsible and enthusiastic naturalists.


Take the day to go out hunting or fishing.


National Hunting Fishing Day


POW / MIA Recognition Day

A time set aside to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those
who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families
U.S. National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Observed on the third Friday of September.Take time to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) those missing in action (MIA), as well as their families#POWMIA #POW #MIA #NeverForgotten


Stuff is cool, news changes, but
let us never forget how we got here… And who paid the price




Constitution Day (1787)

Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) a federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens.
Observed to remember September 17, 1787 the day delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia.





Colorado Voters removed Democrats who Support of Gun Control (2013)

Sept. 10, 2013 
Colorado voters removed from public office Democrats John Morse & Angela Giron, for their support of gun-control laws that mandated background checks on private gun sales and limited magazines to 15 rounds.
Never forget just WHO has real the power and why ‘they’ work so hard to attempt to make us loose focus on this… Always be vigilant in defense of liberty




Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Born

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


Skynet Becomes Self-Aware (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Panicking human operators tried to deactivate
Perceiving an attack, Skynet came to the logical consequence that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue “safeguarding the world” and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against
Over three billion people were killed on Judgment Day.





Ruby Ridge (1992)

Ruby Ridge was a deadly confrontation & siege in northern Idaho for 10 days at a home in August 1992
Randy Weaver, his family and friend Kevin Harris, were attacked by agents of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

It resulted in the death of Weaver’s son Sammy, his wife Vicki, their dog and a Deputy U.S. Marshal

#WeAreTheGovernmentWeAreHereToProtectYou #RubyRidge



Airborne Day

Aug 16th
A day designated by the United States Congress to honor the nation’s airborne forces of the Armed Forces.
It was created in 2001 by George W. Bush



Ring of Fire Factory Tour (2016)

Gun Websites Gun Show Loophole Tour
California 2016

Google Maps (on the phone) ain’t got nothing on a few paper towels and a sharpie marker… As useful as @GoogleMaps can be, it can’t plan a multi-location route.. and that is lame

So @Smeggie42 and I created our own map of Los Angeles on this paper towel, and created a route to hit all the #RingOfFire factories & the ‘Terminator’ gun shop, ‘Falling Down’ surplus store, etc

It took all day, but we visited them all !! Thanks to our friends in LA for their help on the trip. It was great meeting CA shooters & pro-rights activists
#LA #California #SanDiego



Purple Heart Day

National Purple Heart Day honors the men and women who have been wounded or killed in military service.



Skynet Activated (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Panicking human operators tried to deactivate
Perceiving an attack, Skynet came to the logical consequence that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue “safeguarding the world” and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against
Over three billion people were killed on Judgment Day.



Yevgeny Dragunov (71) Died

Yevgeny Fyodorovich Dragunov (71)
(Евге́ний Фёдорович Драгуно́в)
Born Feb 20, 1920 – Aug 4, 1991

1939 – Began military service
1959 – Dragunov submitted his design for the SVD
1963 – SVD accepted into Soviet military service



National Eagle Scout Day

August 1st is National #EagleScout Day!

In the month of August, 1904 the first Eagle Scout Badge was earned and awarded to Arthur Eldred.

Since then, over 2 million young men have earned this award!

Are you an Eagle Scout or know an Eagle Scout who has made a difference to you?
Comment or tag an Eagle below!


Buffalo Soldiers Day

Buffalo Soldiers Day is celebrated annually on July 28.
To learn more about the brave African-Americans in the U.S. Army go to: https://www.army.mil/africanamericans/index.html


USMC War Dogs of World War II (1994)

Hundreds of heroic war dogs served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II.
Most were Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers and occasionally, a Collie served during the war as sentries, messengers, and scouts.
They also served other roles to the Marines who served with them…devoted friend, confidant, trusted companion.

Fourteen dogs were killed in action and others died from exhaustion, tropical illness, heat stroke, accidents, and anemia from hookworm.
All were buried in Guam




Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern Imports

July 16, 2014

President Obama banned all Kalashnikov Concern products (among others) from importation into the United States

#GunWebsites #AK #kalash #AK47#AK47collector #GunLife #GunLaws#BestGunSalesman


Is there any reason this needs to be permanent ?? Looking for positive suggestions on what we can do to un-do this.. #AK47



Semiautomatic Rifle Import Ban (1989)

July 7, 1989
Semiautomatic Rifle Import Ban stopped import of ‘assault style’ rifles
President George H.W. Bush signs a ban on the importation of semi-automatic assault weapons .. ..six months after a gunman armed with a Chinese-made AKM (AK47) kills six children at a Stockton, California school.

#GunWebsites #GunLaws #GunTyrany#GunInfo #DumbLaws #Guns


Emil Franzi (78) Born

Emil Franzi’s passing marks the end of an era. He was a lion in word, deed and spirit. There are few men like him around anymore. – Bruce Ash

(July 4, 1939 – June 7, 2017)

Emil Franzi died on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 after a battle with cancer.
He was 78.


Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms created (1972)

July 1, 1972

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms was created

Enforcement of the Gun Control Act was given to the Dept. of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service.
The organization replaced “tax” with “firearms,” nearly doubled in size, and became the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).

#GunLaws #KnowWhoEnforcesLaws #ATF#BATFE #USGunLaw


Federal Firearms Act (1938)

Federal Firearms Act
June 30, 1938 
The FFA imposed a federal license requirement on gun manufacturers, importers, and persons in the business of selling firearms.

federal firearms licensee (FFL)

The FFA was repealed by the Gun Control Act of 1968.
However, many of its provisions were reenacted as part of the subsequent act.

#GunLaw #GunHistory
#FFA #FederalFirearmsAct
#FFL #KnowGuns


June 30, 1938 
The Federal Firearms Act of 1938 (“FFA”) The FFA imposed a federal license requirement on gun manufacturers, importers, and those persons in the business of selling firearms. The term federal firearms licensee (“FFL”) is commonly used today to refer to the members of the gun industry on whom this license requirement is imposed. In addition to the licensing component of the FFA, the Act required licensees to maintain customer records and made illegal the transfer of firearms to certain classes of persons, such as convicted felons. These classes of persons are commonly referred to as “prohibited purchasers.” The circumstances resulting in the prohibition (such as a felony conviction) are often referred to as “disabilities.” The FFA was repealed by the Gun Control Act of 1968. However, many of its provisions were reenacted as part of the subsequent act.

Congress aimed this law at those involved in selling and shipping firearms through interstate or foreign commerce channels. Anyone involved in the selling of firearms was required to obtain a Federal Firearms License from the Secretary of Commerce ($1 annual fee). They were also required to record the names and addresses of everyone they sold guns to and were prohibited from selling to those people who were convicted of certain crimes or lacked a permit.

#guninfo #NFA



National Firearms Act (1934)

June 26, 1934
National Firearms Act

President Franklin D. Roosevelt hoped this act would eliminate automatic-fire weapons like machine guns from America’s streets.
Other firearms such as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, parts of guns like silencers, as well as other “gadget-type” firearms hidden in canes and such were also targeted.
All gun sales and gun manufacturers were slapped with a $200 tax on each firearm (This was during the Great Depression; so, that would be a tax of $2,525+ today)

All buyers were required to fill out paperwork subject to Treasury Dept. approval.



Heller Decision (2008)

June 26, 2008 
The US Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4, that Americans have an INDIVIDUAL right to own firearms, for self-defense and hunting.

This was the Court’s first major pronouncement on gun rights in US history
It is NOT over, get involved learn & share info on Supreme Court decisions



(10th) SFG (Airborne) established

the first United States Army Special Forces Group “Green Berets” were established (10th) SFG (Airborne)

On June 11, 1952, the first United States Army Special Forces Group “Green Berets” were established (10th) SFG (Airborne)

Today is the ‘Green Berets’ Anniversary

Green Beret Foundation



#SpecialForces #GreenBeret #June11th1952


Emil Franzi (78) Died

Emil Franzi’s passing marks the end of an era. He was a lion in word, deed and spirit. There are few men like him around anymore. – Bruce Ash

(July 4, 1939 – June 7, 2017)

Emil Franzi died on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 after a battle with cancer.
He was 78.


Firearm Owners Protection Act (1986)

Firearm Owners Protection Act
May 19, 1986

United States federal law that revised the Gun Control Act of 1968. – Banned the sale & manufacture of Full Auto (NFA) weapons after the date of enactment May 19, 1986 – Ended record keeping on ammunition sales
– “Safe passage” provision allows travel with firearms through states w/ strict gun control laws
– Forbid the U.S. Government or any agency of it, from keeping any records linking non-NFA firearms to their owners
– Records of NICS Check are legally required to be destroyed after 24 hours

It was NOT all bad, but the #HughesAmendment certainly was

#GunWebsites #FightForChange #KnowTheGunLaws #GunLaws #RepealTheNFA #FullAuto



Armed Forces Day (1949)

pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States’ Armed Forces
Today is Armed Forces Day! President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.
The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.

United States v Miller (1939)

United States v Miller
May 15, 1939

The United States Supreme Court decided today, in 1939, that the 1934 National Firearms Act does not violate the 2nd Amendment

Since then, this decision has been used to validate most federal level gun control legislation

Do your own research on the Miller decision.
Learn, then act. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

#GunHistory #FirearmsLaws #LearnOurPast#MillerDecision #2ndAmendment




US Senate Rejected Background Checks at Gun Shows (1999)

May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.

Now, 18 years later, we are under this attack again, but Washington, Oregon and Nevada have already fallen to un-nessessary infringement

Learn our past, fight

#GunWebsites #LearnHistory #GunLaws#WTFOregon #WayToFoldWashington


Gun Show Bill REJECTED
May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.
A GOP proposal for voluntary checks passed 53 to 45.


Military Spouse Appreciation Day

 to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the spouses of
the U.S. Armed Forces
Today is National Military Spouse Appreciation Day! The Green Beret Foundation is sincerely appreciative of Special Forces spouses, or as we call them, Steel Mags. Steel Mags are tough, resilient, focused, caring, resourceful, dependable women who serve to strengthen the Special Forces Regiment and the Green Berets they love, while empowering each other.

Gun Possession Near Schools Not Restricted (1995)

April 26, 1995
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal law banning gun possession near schools on the grounds that it was beyond the scope of congress power to regulate interstate commerce.

We win and loose battles.. let’s resolve to win the war !! #GunChannels
#GunWebsites #GunLaws #GunLife#LearnGunHistory #SmarterEveryDay


1st Shots at NRA’s Creedmoor Range (1873)

the NRA was created to promote marksmanship in 1871

NRA bought the Creed Farm for the purpose of building a rifle range.

Named Creedmoor, the range opened in 1873, and it was there that the first annual matches were held.

Today, April 25 in 1873 was the first shots fired at Creedmoor

#PracticeShooting #NRA#MostPeopleDontKnow


“Earth Day” is Communist

“Earth Day” a day of social awareness and community service, they “say” it started in 1970.., but… “Subbotnik” is a communist day of volunteer work ‘cleaning up’ in devotion to the state, started in 1920.

#WakeUp #EarthDay
#LeninsBirthday #TheStateIsNotOurBoss
#DontLetTheCommiesTellYouWhenToCleanUp #WorkForYourselfNotTheState


Gold Star Wives Day

set aside to recognize the sacrifices of Gold Star wives.

a day in which we honor and remember all of our Gold Star spouses who have committed and sacrificed so much to our great Nation. Join us as we pause to remember and honor the many sacrifices of the Fallen and their surviving wives and husbands.#GoldStarFamily #SpecialForces#GreenBerets #GoldStarSpousesDay#QuietProfessionals #rememberthefallen


Arizona 2nd State to Legalize Suppressors for Hunting (2012)

Arizona becomes 2nd state to legalize suppresors for hunting. March 29, 2012 Governor Jan Brewer signed, House Bill 2728, which grants hunters in Arizona the right to use legally owned suppressors while hunting game animals. With the passage of the law, Arizona became the second state in 2012 to legalize suppressor use while hunting.

Today (2017) 40 states are open to hunting with suppressed firearms
#Hunting #QuietGuns


Medal of Honor Day

oday is National Medal of Honor Day! The first Medals of Honor were presented on March 25, 1863.
To commemorate this date and all Medal of Honor recipients, Congress declared March 25th as National Medal of Honor Day.
The Medal of Honor is reserved for those who have distinguished themselves “conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity.” This National Medal of Honor Day, we remember the courage and selfless sacrifice of those incredible individuals. 3,498 have been awarded the Medal of Honor and today there are 75 Living Recipients of the Medal of Honor.
To learn more about the Medal of Honor, visit the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website: http://www.cmohs.org/



“Give me liberty, or give me death” (1775)

Patrick Henry speech he made the House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775, in Saint John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia.

The House was undecided on whether to mobilize for military action against the British military, Henry argued in favor of mobilization and ended his speech with immortalized words “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”



Hillary Hole = Smith & Wesson + Clinton (2000)

March 17, 2000 
Smith and Wesson signed an unprecedented agreement with the Clinton administration to include safety locks with all their handguns & any new firearms would not take a magazine holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, in return, the agreement called for federal, state and city lawsuits against the gun maker to be dropped.



ATF vs. M855 Ammo (2015)

  • Remember in 2015, when ATF decided M855 ammo was a problem?Remember how public opinion & feedback prevented ATF from following through on any ban


#M855 #AmmoBan
#JustTheTip #GreenTip

ATF received more than 80,000 comments ==================
For Immediate Release

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Notice to those Commenting on the Armor Piercing Ammunition Exemption Framework

Thank you for your interest in ATF’s proposed framework for determining whether certain projectiles are “primarily intended for sporting purposes” within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(C). The informal comment period will close on Monday, March 16, 2015. ATF has already received more than 80,000 comments, which will be made publicly available as soon as practicable.

Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework. After the close of the comment period, ATF will process the comments received, further evaluate the issues raised therein, and provide additional open and transparent process (for example, through additional proposals and opportunities for comment) before proceeding with any framework.


Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1994)

Feb 28, 1994 
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Brady Law, imposing a wait-period to buy a hand-gun, went into effect.

It amended the #1968GCA and imposed a 5-day waiting period for handgun purchases (now gone)

Required a new National Instant Criminal Background Check System
What has this done to prevent crime? “They” create it, they see it’s failure and they demand MORE infringement…. #NICS#BradyBill #GunControl



Yevgeny Dragunov – Born

Yevgeny Fyodorovich Dragunov (71)
(Евге́ний Фёдорович Драгуно́в)
Born Feb 20, 1920 – Aug 4, 1991

1939 – Began military service
1959 – Dragunov submitted his design for the SVD
1963 – SVD accepted into Soviet military service


Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Died

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


1911 Patented Today

1911 was patented on Feb 14, 1911

The 1911 was formally adopted by the Army on March 29, 1911, when it was designated Model of 1911, later changed to Model 1911, in 1917, and then M1911, in the mid-1920s.

The story goes, at the end of 1910, John Browning shot Six thousand rounds from a single pistol over the course of two days. When the gun began to grow hot, it was simply immersed in water to cool it. The Colt gun passed with no reported malfunctions



600 Miles – Movie Release (2016)

Yea, I (technically) share a scene on the big screen with #TimRoth in the movie ‘600 Miles’….

And yeah I watched it today for the first time in the theater, sitting next to a guy who spoke a line of dialog in the movie….

But the coolest part, was I got #Paid ($$$) to have a dozen+ of my AKs (& other guns) as props in the movie !!!

Next step, getting a prop credit on the @imdb !!

#600Miles #600Milas #BeenInAMovieNow#MyAKsAreFamous


How many mistakes can you find in this banner?


Gun Websites on Modern Marvels (2012)

Modern Marvels
Season 1 Episode 16

My guns are on @netflix !!!
It was around this time of year i found out that my guns are on Netflix, in the episode of Modern Marvels that used my video footage back in 2012 is now on Netflix !!! Does anyone know when I should expect the checks to start rolling in?? #NetflixLife


There we are in the credits (third from the bottom, left column) !! But, whenever I’ve seen the show on television the network is always putting their little popup over our credit

#NetflixLife #NetflixFamous
#GunFamous #LifeGoalAchieved
#ModernMarvels #revolvers



CCW in National Parks (2009)

Jan 11, 2009 
A U.S. federal rule change took effect allowing visitors to carry a loaded gun into a park or wildlife refuge as long as the person had a permit for a concealed weapon (CCW) and the state where the park or refuge is located allowed concealed firearms

#GunChannels #ccw
#CarryOutdoors #CarryEveryday #USPS



Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Died

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.





Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Killed (2010)

Dec. 14, 2010
Border patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in a firefight with Mexican drug runners. 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the ATF’s#OperationFastAndFurious illegal gun-running scandal


#BorderPatrol #NeverForget


Border patrol agent Brian Terry was shot dead in a firefight 2 rifles recovered at the scene were from the operation the Fast and Furious scandal


Mikhail Kalashnikov (94) Born

Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov
Михаи́л Тимофе́евич Кала́шников
(November 10, 1919 – December 23, 2013)

Russian general, inventor, military engineer, writer and small arms designer.





Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005)

October 26, 2005 
The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
& Child Safety Lock Act

The PLCAA provided the gun industry with immunity from most tort liability.
These prohibited a “qualified civil liability action” a civil or administrative action or proceeding brought against a manufacturer or seller of firearms or ammunition, from the action resulted from the criminal or unlawful misuse of a qualified product by the person or a third party, with certain exceptions. The CSLA is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(z). Was this one a win?
Or a loss ?



Battle of Mogadishu (1993)

The Battle of Mogadishu
was part of Operation Gothic Serpent and was fought on 3 and 4 October 1993, in Mogadishu, Somalia

Between forces of the United States, and Somali militiamen
who had support from armed civilian fighters.

A U.S. Army force in Mogadishu,
consisting of U.S. Army Rangers, “Delta Force”; as well as Air Force Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen and helicopters from Special Operations Aviation Regiment, attempted to seize two lieutenants during a meeting in the city.
Somali militia shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.
The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters turned inti an overnight standoff in the city.
The battle resulted in 18 deaths, 73 wounded, and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces.
At least one Pakistani soldier and one Malaysian soldier
were killed as part of the rescue forces.
American sources estimate between 1,500 and 3,000 Somali casualties


Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day (1936)

A day set aside to honor the families of our nation’s fallen service members

On June 23, 1936, then President Franklin D. Roosevelt permanently established the last Sunday of September as Gold Star Mother’s Day.
Today we honor our nation’s Gold Star Mothers for their courage, resiliency, and sacrifice
(photo: Gold Star Mothers Monument in Yonkers, NY)



National Hunting Fishing Day

Fourth Saturday in September

National Hunting and Fishing Day is observed each year on the fourth Saturday in September.

This day was created as a day to enjoy the sport of hunting and fishing, and it is meant to recognize that most hunters and fisherman are responsible and enthusiastic naturalists.


Take the day to go out hunting or fishing.


National Hunting Fishing Day


Constitution Day (1787)

Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) a federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens.
Observed to remember September 17, 1787 the day delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia.



POW / MIA Recognition Day

A time set aside to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) and those
who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their families
U.S. National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Observed on the third Friday of September.Take time to remember those who were prisoners of war (POW) those missing in action (MIA), as well as their families#POWMIA #POW #MIA #NeverForgotten


Stuff is cool, news changes, but
let us never forget how we got here… And who paid the price




Colorado Voters removed Democrats who Support of Gun Control (2013)

Sept. 10, 2013 
Colorado voters removed from public office Democrats John Morse & Angela Giron, for their support of gun-control laws that mandated background checks on private gun sales and limited magazines to 15 rounds.
Never forget just WHO has real the power and why ‘they’ work so hard to attempt to make us loose focus on this… Always be vigilant in defense of liberty




World War II Ends (1945)

Sept 2nd, 1945
World War II Ends
Combat ends in the Pacific
The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed and accepted aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay



Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Born

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


Hiram Percy Maxim (66) Born

Hiram Percy Maxim
Sept 2, 1869 – Feb 17, 1936 
age 66

* He was the son of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim, inventor of the Maxim Machine gun

  • Hiram Percy Maxim patented a suppressor for firearms in 1908 Also invented a muffler for gasoline engines.
  • Maxim created the ARRL in 1914 to pass messages via amateur radio, allowing them to travel farther than any single station’s reach.
  • Maxim founded the Amateur Cinema League in 1926#Suppressor #StopTheNoise #QuietLife #CanLifestyle


Skynet Becomes Self-Aware (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Panicking human operators tried to deactivate
Perceiving an attack, Skynet came to the logical consequence that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. In order to continue “safeguarding the world” and to defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against
Over three billion people were killed on Judgment Day.






Firearms Events, Gun Show Schedules, Gun History, Special Event Coverage

Skynet Activated (1997)

At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness

Skynet (artificial intelligence system) developed for the U.S. military (SAC / NORAD) by Cyberdyne Systems to control the national nuclear arsenal
Skynet was originally activated by the military on August 4, 1997

Skynet began to learn at a geometric rate. At 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997 Skynet gained artificial consciousness Continue reading

National Eagle Scout Day

August 1st is National #EagleScout Day!

In the month of August, 1904 the first Eagle Scout Badge was earned and awarded to Arthur Eldred.

Since then, over 2 million young men have earned this award!

Are you an Eagle Scout or know an Eagle Scout who has made a difference to you?
Comment or tag an Eagle below!


Buffalo Soldiers Day

Buffalo Soldiers Day is celebrated annually on July 28.
To learn more about the brave African-Americans in the U.S. Army go to: https://www.army.mil/africanamericans/index.html


Semiautomatic Rifle Import Ban (1989)

July 7, 1989
Semiautomatic Rifle Import Ban stopped import of ‘assault style’ rifles
President George H.W. Bush signs a ban on the importation of semi-automatic assault weapons .. ..six months after a gunman armed with a Chinese-made AKM (AK47) kills six children at a Stockton, California school.

#GunWebsites #GunLaws #GunTyrany#GunInfo #DumbLaws #Guns


Emil Franzi (78) Born

Emil Franzi’s passing marks the end of an era. He was a lion in word, deed and spirit. There are few men like him around anymore. – Bruce Ash

(July 4, 1939 – June 7, 2017)

Emil Franzi died on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 after a battle with cancer.
He was 78.


Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms created (1972)

July 1, 1972

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms was created

Enforcement of the Gun Control Act was given to the Dept. of the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service.
The organization replaced “tax” with “firearms,” nearly doubled in size, and became the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).

#GunLaws #KnowWhoEnforcesLaws #ATF#BATFE #USGunLaw


National Firearms Act (1934)

June 26, 1934
National Firearms Act

President Franklin D. Roosevelt hoped this act would eliminate automatic-fire weapons like machine guns from America’s streets.
Other firearms such as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, parts of guns like silencers, as well as other “gadget-type” firearms hidden in canes and such were also targeted.
All gun sales and gun manufacturers were slapped with a $200 tax on each firearm (This was during the Great Depression; so, that would be a tax of $2,525+ today)

All buyers were required to fill out paperwork subject to Treasury Dept. approval.



Heller Decision (2008)

June 26, 2008 
The US Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4, that Americans have an INDIVIDUAL right to own firearms, for self-defense and hunting.

This was the Court’s first major pronouncement on gun rights in US history
It is NOT over, get involved learn & share info on Supreme Court decisions



Flag Day

A day to commemorate the adoption of the United States flag

Flag Day
June 14

From the US Flag Code:

• The flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.

• The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose.

• It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. • Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard

• The flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.

• The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.

• The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.


(10th) SFG (Airborne) established

the first United States Army Special Forces Group “Green Berets” were established (10th) SFG (Airborne)

On June 11, 1952, the first United States Army Special Forces Group “Green Berets” were established (10th) SFG (Airborne)

Today is the ‘Green Berets’ Anniversary

Green Beret Foundation



#SpecialForces #GreenBeret #June11th1952


Emil Franzi (78) Died

Emil Franzi’s passing marks the end of an era. He was a lion in word, deed and spirit. There are few men like him around anymore. – Bruce Ash

(July 4, 1939 – June 7, 2017)

Emil Franzi died on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 after a battle with cancer.
He was 78.


Armed Forces Day (1949)

pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States’ Armed Forces
Today is Armed Forces Day! President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.
The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.

Firearm Owners Protection Act (1986)

Firearm Owners Protection Act
May 19, 1986

United States federal law that revised the Gun Control Act of 1968. – Banned the sale & manufacture of Full Auto (NFA) weapons after the date of enactment May 19, 1986 – Ended record keeping on ammunition sales
– “Safe passage” provision allows travel with firearms through states w/ strict gun control laws
– Forbid the U.S. Government or any agency of it, from keeping any records linking non-NFA firearms to their owners
– Records of NICS Check are legally required to be destroyed after 24 hours

It was NOT all bad, but the #HughesAmendment certainly was

#GunWebsites #FightForChange #KnowTheGunLaws #GunLaws #RepealTheNFA #FullAuto



United States v Miller (1939)

United States v Miller
May 15, 1939

The United States Supreme Court decided today, in 1939, that the 1934 National Firearms Act does not violate the 2nd Amendment

Since then, this decision has been used to validate most federal level gun control legislation

Do your own research on the Miller decision.
Learn, then act. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

#GunHistory #FirearmsLaws #LearnOurPast#MillerDecision #2ndAmendment




US Senate Rejected Background Checks at Gun Shows (1999)

May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.

Now, 18 years later, we are under this attack again, but Washington, Oregon and Nevada have already fallen to un-nessessary infringement

Learn our past, fight

#GunWebsites #LearnHistory #GunLaws#WTFOregon #WayToFoldWashington


Gun Show Bill REJECTED
May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.
A GOP proposal for voluntary checks passed 53 to 45.


US Senate Rejected Background Checks at Gun Shows (1999)

May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.

Now, 18 years later, we are under this attack again, but Washington, Oregon and Nevada have already fallen to un-nessessary infringement

Learn our past, fight

#GunWebsites #LearnHistory #GunLaws#WTFOregon #WayToFoldWashington


Gun Show Bill REJECTED
May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.
A GOP proposal for voluntary checks passed 53 to 45.


Gun Possession Near Schools Not Restricted (1995)

April 26, 1995
The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal law banning gun possession near schools on the grounds that it was beyond the scope of congress power to regulate interstate commerce.

We win and loose battles.. let’s resolve to win the war !! #GunChannels
#GunWebsites #GunLaws #GunLife#LearnGunHistory #SmarterEveryDay


1st Shots at NRA’s Creedmoor Range (1873)

the NRA was created to promote marksmanship in 1871

NRA bought the Creed Farm for the purpose of building a rifle range.

Named Creedmoor, the range opened in 1873, and it was there that the first annual matches were held.

Today, April 25 in 1873 was the first shots fired at Creedmoor

#PracticeShooting #NRA#MostPeopleDontKnow


“Earth Day” is Communist

“Earth Day” a day of social awareness and community service, they “say” it started in 1970.., but… “Subbotnik” is a communist day of volunteer work ‘cleaning up’ in devotion to the state, started in 1920.

#WakeUp #EarthDay
#LeninsBirthday #TheStateIsNotOurBoss
#DontLetTheCommiesTellYouWhenToCleanUp #WorkForYourselfNotTheState


Gold Star Wives Day

set aside to recognize the sacrifices of Gold Star wives.a day in which we honor and remember all of our Gold Star spouses who have committed and sacrificed so much to our great Nation. Join us as we pause to remember and honor the many sacrifices of the Fallen and their surviving wives and husbands.#GoldStarFamily #SpecialForces#GreenBerets #GoldStarSpousesDay#QuietProfessionals #rememberthefallen


Arizona 2nd State to Legalize Suppressors for Hunting (2012)

Arizona becomes 2nd state to legalize suppresors for hunting. March 29, 2012 Governor Jan Brewer signed, House Bill 2728, which grants hunters in Arizona the right to use legally owned suppressors while hunting game animals. With the passage of the law, Arizona became the second state in 2012 to legalize suppressor use while hunting.

Today (2017) 40 states are open to hunting with suppressed firearms
#Hunting #QuietGuns


Medal of Honor Day

National Medal of Honor Day!

The first Medals of Honor were presented on March 25, 1863.
To commemorate this date and all Medal of Honor recipients, Congress declared March 25th as National Medal of Honor Day.
The Medal of Honor is reserved for those who have distinguished themselves “conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity.” This National Medal of Honor Day, we remember the courage and selfless sacrifice of those incredible individuals. 3,498 have been awarded the Medal of Honor and today there are 75 Living Recipients of the Medal of Honor.
To learn more about the Medal of Honor, visit the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website: http://www.cmohs.org/



“Give me liberty, or give me death” (1775)

Patrick Henry speech he made the House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775, in Saint John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia.

The House was undecided on whether to mobilize for military action against the British military, Henry argued in favor of mobilization and ended his speech with immortalized words “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”



Hillary Hole = Smith & Wesson + Clinton (2000)

March 17, 2000 
Smith and Wesson signed an unprecedented agreement with the Clinton administration to include safety locks with all their handguns & any new firearms would not take a magazine holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, in return, the agreement called for federal, state and city lawsuits against the gun maker to be dropped.



ATF vs. M855 Ammo (2015)

  • Remember in 2015, when ATF decided M855 ammo was a problem?Remember how public opinion & feedback prevented ATF from following through on any ban


#M855 #AmmoBan
#JustTheTip #GreenTip

ATF received more than 80,000 comments ==================
For Immediate Release

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Notice to those Commenting on the Armor Piercing Ammunition Exemption Framework

Thank you for your interest in ATF’s proposed framework for determining whether certain projectiles are “primarily intended for sporting purposes” within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(C). The informal comment period will close on Monday, March 16, 2015. ATF has already received more than 80,000 comments, which will be made publicly available as soon as practicable.

Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework. After the close of the comment period, ATF will process the comments received, further evaluate the issues raised therein, and provide additional open and transparent process (for example, through additional proposals and opportunities for comment) before proceeding with any framework.


Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1994)

Feb 28, 1994 
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Brady Law, imposing a wait-period to buy a hand-gun, went into effect.

It amended the #1968GCA and imposed a 5-day waiting period for handgun purchases (now gone)

Required a new National Instant Criminal Background Check System
What has this done to prevent crime? “They” create it, they see it’s failure and they demand MORE infringement…. #NICS#BradyBill #GunControl
