Military Spouse Appreciation Day

 to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the spouses of
the U.S. Armed Forces
Today is National Military Spouse Appreciation Day! The Green Beret Foundation is sincerely appreciative of Special Forces spouses, or as we call them, Steel Mags. Steel Mags are tough, resilient, focused, caring, resourceful, dependable women who serve to strengthen the Special Forces Regiment and the Green Berets they love, while empowering each other.

US Senate Rejected Background Checks at Gun Shows (1999)

May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.

Now, 18 years later, we are under this attack again, but Washington, Oregon and Nevada have already fallen to un-nessessary infringement

Learn our past, fight

#GunWebsites #LearnHistory #GunLaws#WTFOregon #WayToFoldWashington

Gun Show Bill REJECTED
May 12, 1999

US Senate rejected 51 to 47 a Democratic proposal that would have required background checks for firearms sales at gun-shows.
A GOP proposal for voluntary checks passed 53 to 45.