Firearm Owners Protection Act (1986)

Firearm Owners Protection Act
May 19, 1986

United States federal law that revised the Gun Control Act of 1968. – Banned the sale & manufacture of Full Auto (NFA) weapons after the date of enactment May 19, 1986 – Ended record keeping on ammunition sales
– “Safe passage” provision allows travel with firearms through states w/ strict gun control laws
– Forbid the U.S. Government or any agency of it, from keeping any records linking non-NFA firearms to their owners
– Records of NICS Check are legally required to be destroyed after 24 hours

It was NOT all bad, but the #HughesAmendment certainly was

#GunWebsites #FightForChange #KnowTheGunLaws #GunLaws #RepealTheNFA #FullAuto


Armed Forces Day (1949)

pay tribute to men and women who serve in the United States’ Armed Forces
Today is Armed Forces Day! President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.
The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.