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Gun Websites joined You Tube 2008
June 6, 2020

Gun Websites joined You Tube
June 6, 2008
5,000+ videos
Way back in 2008, we decided to join this place that let you post video files on their website, and you could share those video files with other people, and they can watch and listen to them from their computer, with just an internet browser!
That was a new thing, and over time the service became really useful and the place even became an important platform for discussion and networking
Our Gun Community seem to prosper for many years until 2013 when the entire Gun Community would be challenged to defend our rights that are defended by the Second Amendment
As the ‘big’ YouTube channels grew in 2014 and money began to influence who decided to pick up a camera and then cash would decide what cameras would be pointed at… things started to change
by 2016 YouTube proved it would not be a great platform going forward
Received the Silver Play button for hosting 100,000 subscribers
Actions from YT against firearm subjects and channels focused on gun topics
Then later YT decisions to pull down features of their software have made YouTube less and less useful or attractive
Now YouTube is just big .. and that is what it is
It has a few good tools, but few people use those anymore
The next platforms will undoubtedly learn from the mistakes made by the YouTube company and the situations created by their policies and their technology
We will be on those next platforms
Talking about rights protected by our 2nd Amendment
Thank you for participating with our projects for 12 years on the You Tube platform
So many videos
So many years
So many friends
- Also policy changes
- Also anonymous platform trolls
- Also money hungry loosers
- Also posers
- Also international copyright claims
- Also stupid trends & challenge vids
But still prob more positive overall