From Medieval to Revolutionary War, Civil War, Scheutzen, WW1 and WWII
46th Annual Marlin Collectors Association, Ltd. Meeting!
The Sharps Collectors Association hold their annual meeting in conjunction with our show and the Colt Collectors have their spring board meeting at our show
When:May 16-17 2020The Denver Mart
401 East 58th Avenue
Denver, Colorado, 80216CGCA Gunshow hours open to the public:Saturday May 16 2020 9:00am – 5:00pmSunday May 17 2020 9:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday May 16 Public Admission $10 and Sunday May 17
Public Admission $10 at the door!http://www.cgca.com
over 1100 eight foot tables
The Colorado Gun Collectors Gun Show is held once a year and is considered one of the finest collectors shows in the world. The CGCA is among the charter members of the National Association of Arms Shows (NAAS) and we conform to and in most cases exceed their guidelines and regulations for safety, security and quality. We have targeted our show at collectors and in addition to attracting antique and modern collectible arms and accessories, we encourage authentic, original cowboy and American Indian artifacts and quality western art. We have a Quality Control and Safety Committee that visits every table and display to assure compliance with our regulations.